Friday, May 11, 2007

How was your Thursday evening?

Last night I did a crazy, stupid thing. My hubby worked all night so I was on SCS til 3am (when the cat's away...)waiting along with a few others for SU to post the new Stampin' Success... why? I have no clue. Maybe for that lil sneak peek. Anyways I'll pay for it today! By the time I went to bed it still wasn't posted... but I had a blast chuckling with a few stamping addicts.
But my poor hubby. He went into work at 9 yesterday morning and worked til 6 this morning when he had to go pick up our DD for her ride to school. He called me at 7 in the morning to say he dropped into my folks and had a shower and is on his way back to work. UGH! Then after working til 6 tonight he'll still have the hour drive home. I don't know how people think people can function on NO sleep. He's a computer programmer so it's not like he runs dangerous machinery but c'mon people!
Okay that's my vent for the morning.

Well so I thought...
For you stampin' fanatics here's SU's news for the day. You know how I told everyone that the wheels are rolling outta the building WELL...
Retired Wheels Are Back!
May 11, 2007
Thanks to the quick response from our Stampin' Around wheel vendor, we will be able to offer all the wheels listed on the original retired list until June 30 (including those which we had already sold out of)--effective immediately.

Our Solution
Our vendors have risen to the challenge of arranging for unscheduled raw materials and production time to enable us to reorder and supply all wheels on the retired list through June 30. However, as they produce wheels to demand for the next two months, we will undoubtedly encounter situations where backorders of some wheels occur. No wheel will be on backorder for long. Our vendors are working feverishly to help us solve the problem our mistake created for you. We are grateful for their cooperation, the input we received from the Advisory Board, and for your patience as you deal with the challenges this situation has created.

Oh, ummm, don't ask my opinion on this matter. Let's just embrace the joy of the news 'cause now I can get my Flitting By Jumbo wheel!!

Oh yeah and the June Stampin' Success was posted while I slept for the 4 hours. Was there any sneek peek... nope.. nada...NONE. Boy am I bumbed. The kids' bus is delayed two hours because of the fog and now I get to begin my day with my foggy brain.
I wonder how hubby is feeling?!?!

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