Sunday, May 6, 2007

Who are You?

My name is Katharine, spelt with a 'K' hence all the "Ks" for my blog name. My email address is just as mixed up. I have been married to my extremely supportive, loving, sometimes irritating hubby (lets be honest ppl, you can't live together and not irk each other once in awhile) Terry for 17 years. We have three children; 16, 14.75, 12, that are all smarter than we are (don't we all know it?!) We left the big city of London 4.5 years ago and now live north of Glencoe where the birds sing, the sun shines and if the neighbours get out of line we invite them to our BBQ (we haven't figured out how to teach cows how to climb the stairs yet but we're working on it!)
My parents live in London and so do my hubby's. As for our siblings, mine are all in the London area but my hubby's branch out from London to NewMarket to Chicago to Mexico. I have lost track of how many nephews and nieces we have, last count was 18 (I think). It's hard to imagine that some of them are old enough to start their own families!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well thanks for the wave back on my blogspot. Thought I would drop by and take a peek at yours. Didn't quite understand what an 'empty next' is... since I got one more moving in and the other not leaving at least for another two years... (gives me time to save up for college... again! hahah)
hugs and hope all is well out on the ranch! cheerios! *me*